Urban Invisibility - The Gray Man

Urban Invisibility: Hidden Within Sight

Urban Invisibility - The Gray ManMost people are dubbed attention-grabbers, and they love it. Others, nonetheless, are just not too comfortable in being noticed. For someone lost in an unchartered territory, too much attention can be discomforting – dangerous, even.

Expatriates who braved their way to countries with political onslaught have had their stories told on how they were tried to be killed because of their skin color, nationality, economic status or religion. Foreigners who stuck out as being different and naive target are often the subject of crimes in countries with ongoing turmoil and riots.

These situations make it vital for anyone to know about the Grey Man Concept.

Who is the Grey Man?

The Grey Man Concept was formulated to be a survival tactic. It is devised to conceal the identity of armed man with handguns without looking distinct. The Grey Man would then move through crowds of people, unnoticed with his typical way of dressing and normal behaviour.

It might sound as if this is a pretty linear, but understanding the concept behind it may be a little too tricky for some people to digest.

Being the Grey Man would mean venturing in what has been coined as Social Camouflage. It involved hiding in plain sight in a subtle and unobvious method. In attempt to go unnoticed in a relatively new environment, it is imperative to be entirely “normal.” The Grey Man would strive to appear just like anyone else by mimicking the clothing and behaviour of people in a specific community.

How to be the Grey Man

Here is the tricky part: being a Grey Man means playing the part of a person who is forgettable, but definitely unapproachable. Military and gun men adopt this strategy to avoid having people approaching them and getting in the way of their operation. There are some contributing factors that need to be focused on when an individual transforms into a Grey Man:

Clothing – the most basic aspect of camouflaging. Experts suggest that Grey Men should wear dark colors including black, blue, olive green and khaki. These, according to studies, are the hues that usually go unnoticed in public places. Avoid wearing bright and bold colors like yellow, red, and orange that practically screams for attention (unless the community has this range of hues in their basic fashion).

In the same note, wearing fatigues gives away identities of being in the militia group or survivalist. Take this away from the wardrobe, and do not even think about wearing these clothes for the upper body. BDus, Realtree and multicam shirts may also get unwanted attention.

Alongside, it is also imperative to pay close attention to the style of dressing up. Notice the popular cuts of pants and shirts of the community, along with accessories and other add-ons to the ensemble, to effectively blend it.

Personal Grooming – Most people stereotype gunmen as filthy and unhygienic individuals. Take advantage of this misconception and avoid dressing the part. Maintaining an amiable grooming may also eliminate odors that may draw attention of people. Remember to appear presentable, but subdued. Stay away from whacky hairstyles and outlandish clothing.

Arms – question is, how can the Grey Man hide guns and other tactical gears? Maxpedition bags are popular among military men in that it can carry large arms and ammo. But taking them in public may not be a good idea for social camouflaging. The trick is to avoid taking bags with large pockets and too many zippers. It is best to have a big day pack or messenger bag.

Rigger belts are also recommended. They are sturdy in carrying around guns, plus they can be handy for unexpected rappelling. Be sure, though, to cover the buckle by not tucking in shirts.

Age – it helps to look as young as possible. The older an individual are, the more he is likely to be held to social conventions. Note that average people have distinct responses to clothing depending on who is wearing them. A camo worn by a 15-year old, for instance, only appears to be punk costume. On the other hand, a 40-year old man wearing the same clothing cannot be given this benefit of the doubt. Grey Men should then take this into consideration, and dress accordingly.



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